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Scar Revision



Scars come in all shapes and sizes and may result from previous injury, infection or surgery. Some individuals are prone to unusually aggressive scarring known as hypertrophic or keloid scars. Scar revision may be required when scars are conspicuous, embarrassing or uncomfortable, or if they cause restriction of joint of facial movements.




Scar improvement can sometimes be achieved through non-surgical means including massage, LASER, topical silicone gel or steroid injections. In some cases however, surgical revision is recommended. This can often be performed under local anaesthetic. Plastic surgeons use a variety of techniques ranging from simple excision to Z-plasties and occasionally full resurfacing. The options depend on the individual scars and will be discussed fully during your consultation.




Following all skin procedures you are likely to be discharged home with wound care / dressings advice, painkillers if necessary and a follow-up appointment with a specialist nurse who will check your wound and remove the sutures if necessary. 

Later, you will be reviewed by your consultant surgeon to discuss the results of the surgery, offer advice and to check the wound healing process.

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