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Liposuction is performed to contour areas of localised fatty excess. It works well for localised bulges in patients with good skin tone. It is not an effective treatment for generalised obesity and does not work well in areas of loose skin.

The most commonly treated areas are the hips, thighs, tummy, chest (gynaecomastia) and knees. Less commonly treated are the calves, flanks and back.




The area for treatment is marked. Under general anaesthetic the tissues are infused with a solution of dilute local anaesthetic and adrenaline. A 3-4mm cannula is used to create tunnels and suck out the fat. The contour is carefully reduced. The scars are very small at 5-6mm.




Usually a bandage is placed around your ears before you leave the operating room. In kids we tend to leave this on for a week but adults can remove it after 24-48 hours.


Local anaesthetic is injected even if you are having the procedure under general. This will keep your ears numb for 6-8 hours. You will be discharged with some relatively benign painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Our team will see you back after a week to check the wounds and slip out any skin suture. Ken usually recommends a towelling soft head band for bed at night for 6 weeks.


Ken will see you for follow up as often as you like post-operatively but typically the final appointment may be around 2 months post-op. 

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