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Breast Reduction



Breast reduction surgery can prove a great help to women with disproportionately large breasts and has a high rate of patient satisfaction.  Symptoms such as neck pain, back pain and poor posture can be alleviated and patients may experience a boost to their self-confidence. The technique can also help women with noticeable breast asymmetry.




Breast reduction surgery is typically undertaken under a light general anaesthetic with a single overnight stay in hospital, although day case surgery is preferred by some patients.

The procedure involves removal of excess breast tissue with lifting of the nipple to restore a more youthful and balanced final appearance.  Liposuction may also help provide the best shape possible.

The skin wounds are closed with fine absorbable sutures and the resulting scars generally settle well.




Following discharge from hospital simple pain killers are usually all that is required.  The use of a vest top can help during recovery while the swelling settles.  Often two weeks off work is advised and it is usually best to refrain from driving over this time.


A follow up appointment will be arranged by the hospital to see the specialist plastic surgery nurses initially and thereafter a review appointment with Ken will be scheduled to ensure all is well and that you are happy with your result.  






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